"Women are not supposed to be simutaneously fucking multiple men."
because then you're a slut
I never wanted to be a slut.
So I spaced my men out.
This was OK.
Never 2 men same month.
Always, trying to, be, wifed.
This took away my power.
So when you left, I decided, to take my power back.
It's only a physical body and it's my physical body pressed against another physical body.
The energies won't pass because there will be none.
But there is vibration in everything.
Years ago
I didn't know the difference between
intimacy vs sex
fucking vs making Love
body vs energy
Up until recently.
A love of my life anchored himself 2,325 miles away from me.
Then came the decsion. I am going to branch out and explore myself and others
Sex with 3 people in one week.
Being 1. Intimacy
I can do this.
Being 2. Fucking
I don't know.
Being 3. Body, Intimacy, Fucking, EMOTION - ENERGY
This can't work.
Bacterial Vaginosis.
"Women are not supposed to be simutaneously fucking multiple men."
because your body knows.
That you are not supposed to be fucking multiple men.