I am getting more and more annoyed
and want to rebel more and more
and get my white shirt and get it wet and walk through the frozen section of the grocery store and say fuck you to everyone that is looking at me funny
Oh God I can't even get into this without becoming extremely enraged.
"You can't be a stripper and a feminist thats contradicting?"
Ok based on who's standards?
What is a feminist?
"Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, cultural, and social rights for women.[1][2]"
You are definitely losing the point if you think being a stripper and a feminist a contridiciting.
Oh God the idiots that surround me.
Saying I can't be a feminist and a stripper is like saying you can't be Gay and believe in God and Jesus Christ.
Being a feminist can mean different things to different people. YEAH SOME feminists are against SEX WORKERS because they associate it WITH ABUSE AND SEX TRAFFICKING but its not THE SAME THING AT ALL. IF THE CLOSED STRIP CLUBS, I WOULD LOSE MY PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME.
It's my job to sell a fantasy. It's my job to get these men to forget about their wives and I CHOSE this job as an outlet for my high sexual energy. This is the safest, most benefical and reasonable way for me to do that.
From http://finallyfeminism101.wordpress.com
"Put in the most simple terms, slut-shaming happens when a person “publicly or privately [insults] a woman because she expressed her sexuality in a way that does not conform with patriarchal expectations for women” (Kat, Slut-Shaming vs. Rape Jokes). It is enabled by the idea that a woman who carries the stigma of being a slut — ie. an “out-of-control, trampy female” — is “not worth knowing or caring about” (Tanenbaum, p. 240)."
I just can't handle it anymore.
Women are sexual creatures as are men.
I can express my sexuality in any way I please, as long as I am informed, aware, and HAPPY AND COMFORTABLE WITH WHAT I AM DOING.